Welcome to the Neocities mirror of Nose Club!
The standard and much-beloved Rock-type variant of Nosepass is common in many regions throughout the world, from the tropical shores of Alola to the frosty mountains of Sinnoh.
Its vast range of habitats suggests that it was a popular companion for travellers in ancient times. Several historical texts refer to Nosepass walking together with humans. Said texts also refer to Nosepass' hat and pearly eyes, despite those features being attributed to its evolution.
Hey howdy hey! Today I've added my new fanfic series to this website, Legendaries of the Present World. If you like short reads about Pokémon being treated nicely and given pets, why not give it a try?
To everyone who's submitted answers to the Riddles, I'm super proud of you! Keep trying your best! ^^
Howdy gamers! Today there is a new Fun Stuff category. I've moved the Crossword and the legitimate Nosepass facts there already, but there's also a new Riddles page! Do be sure to check it out and challenge yourself if you have the time. :D
I'm also working on some other Nose Club things. See you soon!
Sometimes Nosepass was a tumblr blog I ran during 2017, with a few stray posts in 2018. Daily art blogs centered around specific Pokémon were popular on Tumblr at the time, and yet there were none for my dear favourite Nosepass. Unbelievable...! I felt it only fitting that I should be the one to try to do such a thing. Albeit, with a more relaxed schedule.
At that time I was worried about my skill in drawing backgrounds, so these posts made the perfect excuse to try to practice ones that fit my art style. I think it all turned out rather well!
Click on the thumbnails below to view the lightbox gallery, with extra information and commentary on each piece. You will need to have javascript enabled.
It was 2021, and I was feeling nostalgic. I wasn't super into Pokemon anymore, but people kept talking about the cards and the Diamond and Pearl remakes, so I wanted to go back to one of the ones I never played: Pokemon Emerald. I had played Ruby and Sapphire before, but I heard the changes in Emerald were good enough to give it a shot.
I knew I would more than likely get a fake cartridge buying online, but I didn't mind as long as it wasn't Engrish or something. I didn't want to emulate either because my dad works at Nintendo and I didn't want to get him into trouble like I did when I was 12. Anyway, I got really lucky and found a listing online for only 40 bucks, so I soon had an Emerald cartridge in hand.
It all seemed normal, and in pretty good condition. I really like how the old Pokemon carts are colored and how some of them are transparent too, it never sat right with me how they stopped doing that.
Anyway, I couldn't find my old GBA so I had to use my old modded DS to be able to play it. It let me take screenshots too, which is pretty nice. I figured I could screenshot some of my gameplay just for fun and to show my friends.
A sprite!
Gender Ratio | Shiny Egg Odds |
Genderless (i.e. Staryu) | 1/64 chance with a shiny gene Ditto parent. |
100% male (i.e. Tauros) | 1/64 chance with a shiny gene Ditto parent. |
87.5% male (i.e. male Eevee) | 1/64 chance with a female shiny gene parent. |
75% male (i.e. male Abra) | 3/256 chance with a female shiny gene parent. |
50% male (i.e. male Meowth) | 1/128 chance with a female shiny gene parent. |
25% male (i.e. male Vulpix) | 1/256 chance with a female shiny gene parent. |
100% female (i.e. Miltank) | 1/64 chance with a male shiny gene parent. |
75% female (i.e. female Vulpix) | 3/256 chance with a male shiny gene parent. |
50% female (i.e. female Meowth) | 1/128 chance with a male shiny gene parent. |
25% female (i.e. female Abra) | 1/256 chance with a male shiny gene parent. |
12.5% female (i.e. female Eevee) | Female Pokémon with this gender ratio cannot be shiny. |
Fun fun!
Below is an interactive chart of egg groups for every breedable Pokémon in Gold/Silver/Crystal, should you choose to click on the buttons. They are all shown as their base stage except for the red Gyarados, due to its status as the only Pokémon that will always be shiny.
Pokémon with an unbreedable baby form (like Togetic and Pikachu) are shown in their evolved, breedable form. Also note that Nidorina and Nidoqueen cannot be bred but Nidoran female can. This does not apply to Nidoran male, Nidorino, and Nidoking - they can all breed.
Egg groups are represented by background and border colours, and may also be checked by hovering over the Pokémon on desktop browsers.
Legendaries of the Present World is also available to read on Archive of Our Own if you prefer reading fanfics there, or if you'd like to leave comments and kudos (which are greatly appreciated!). Without further ado, here are the current chapters:
More will be added as and when I write new chapters. Thanks for reading!
Click on the images below to view more information about each variant of Nosepass, as our team tirelessly studies them.
Our scientists are aiming to have a complete guide to every Nosepass variant, but capturing and cataloguing them all will take some time. We appreciate your patience, and hope you will join us in wishing our field researchers the best of luck!
Username | Score |
Spoodle | 6 points |
Trinket | 6 points |
Team Sand Sibs | 6 points |
sanderidge | 6 points |
Eifie | 6 points |
Sandstone-Shadow | 6 points |
Shiny Phantump | 6 points |
realmcdonners | 3 points |
Clay Vinkoplini | 3 points |
trulyavaporeon | 1 point |
If you're featured here, congrats! You made it to the test zone!
Page originally published on 19th February 2021 at 22:00 UTC.
Page last updated on 30th March 2021 at 13:36 UTC - (testing score table).